Ted Conbeer
· 2 min read
Secure Data Sharing: How to De-Risk by De-Identifying
In this tutorial, you will learn how to de-risk sharing data with partners by automatically de-identifying data with Privacy Dynamics.
Data sharing is an essential part of modern business, but it also comes with significant risks to data privacy and security. Privacy Dynamics is a powerful SaaS or self-hosted solution that can help you mitigate these risks by de-identifying data through the automatic suppression of direct identifiers and the treatment of quasi-identifiers to prevent re-identification attacks. Here's a quick start guide on how to use Privacy Dynamics to securely share data with your partners.
De-risking Incoming Data
We work with many customers that partner with companies who send them data. This could be marketing affiliates, credit agencies, ad networks, data brokers, and many other business partnerships that rely on identifying shared users or customers.
If the data being shared contains PII (as it often does), these types of partnerships can increase the risk and severity of a data breach and make compliance with privacy laws difficult. Data shares often start small, with a carefully crafted list of fields, but then grow over time, as the data finds more uses at your company. This poses a maintenance and monitoring challenge, as risks are likely to grow unchecked.

Privacy Dynamics integrates with many data stores used for data sharing, including S3 buckets (and other object stores), SFTP servers, and data warehouses. It can automatically scan those data stores for new files, and either completely de-identify the files, or remove a subset of PII that isn't needed for any downstream use case.
You can also mask or hash direct identifiers, to keep the minimal information necessary to integrate with your parnters. For example, if your partner shares a customer email address, you can use Privacy Dynamics to hash that address so that you can match it with your list, without importing all of your partners' shared email addresses into your environment.
Even better, Privacy Dynamics adapts to schema changes, and will automatically treat new PII that is introduced, so your risk doesn't grow unchecked over time. And with our proprietary attack model and risk score, you can easily monitor the riskiness of the data shared with you at any time.
Internal data consumers can read from the de-identified data exactly as they would read from the raw partner data; there are is no integration required. Getting started is easy, since you can roll this out one partner (or even one file or data feed) at a time.
De-risking Outgoing Data
While outgoing data is under your control, at scale it becomes a people and process problem to centralize the compliance and control of data shared with partners. To ensure compliance, Privacy Dynamics can be used as a single control plane for all data sharing, and the Privacy Dynamics user can be the only user permissioned to write to shared data stores.
Our Risk Center shows the results of our simulated attacks on all of your shared datasets, so you can easily understand the risks of each partnership and minimize or eliminate the PII shared with partners.
Start Reducing Risk Today
In this post, we saw how Privacy Dynamics can reduce the risk from data-sharing partnerships. If you would like to learn more about Privacy Dynamics, you can try it for free or book a demo and we will help you design a solution for your organization.