Reduce attack surface area by using anonymized Production data for Dev Environments and Analytics.
Increasingly automated and cloud-native deployments make replicating Prod easy, but what about the data? Without a safe and robust test data set, can you trust that PII in Production won't proliferate?
Hand-crafted fake datasets are too small and too expensive to maintain. And AI-generated Synthetic Data might not be any better. Anonymized Production data is faster, cheaper, and more robust for both software and analytics teams. LEARN MORE
Our anonymization process produces a dataset that mimics the Production data, because it is the Production data. We provide format consistency and referential integrity and produce minimally-distorted data that is still useful for analytics, allowing your teams to maintain their velocity while taking less risk. LEARN MORE
We can connect to any data store and write data back to your database, data warehouse, or data lake, so your teams don't need any new tooling. We don't store your data, and if you don't want your data moving over the internet, we can run inside your VPC.