2024 Updates
March 26
Add histogram to the job runs page
A histogram was added to the job runs page to make it easy to see the volume of jobs and data being processed over time. The histogram matches the rows shown in the table beneath it and the slider can be used to dynamically filter the data within a specific time range.
Improved Quasi-identifier (QID) validation
When anonymizing data to meet HIPAA standards, quasi-identifier fields must be categorized correctly. With this release, the UI provides additional validation during project setup to ensure all QIDs are categorized correctly before beginning the anonymization process.
March 6
Enterprise customers: easily create support packages
For enterprise customers, you can now easily generate support packages to send to the Customer Success team when you encounter application errors. The packages contain additional log information and can make it easier to troubleshoot issues.
January 19
Support for Microsoft SQL Server
We've got some exciting news to share! Support for Microsoft SQL Server was added making it possible to connect and anonymize data stored in it. SQL Server was added as a new database type in the connection window; simply select the type and get started anonymizing data!
Enterprise customers: mangaged database service no longer required
Enterprise customers no longer have to use a managed database service like RDS or CloudSQL. With this release, the application database has been migrated to run within the Kubernetes cluster improving cost efficiency and simplifying deployment and maintenance.