Select Cloud Provider
This guide covers manual setup of all aspects related to Ingresses on a Privacy Dynamics cluster. It is intended as a point of reference from which customers can adapt according to their organization's needs. Strictly following this guide as written will result in the same cluster configuration as is available from the Privacy Dynamics Installer. If no variance is needed, we recommend using our corresponding options in the Installer.
Install the NGINX Ingress Controller
An Ingress Controller must be installed on the Kubernetes Cluster in order for outside traffic to be admitted to the cluster and routed to the appropriate pods. We recommend the NGINX Ingress Controller, available at
Add the repository to Helm on your local machine
helm repo add ingress-nginx helm repo update
Install the NGINX Ingress Controller Helm chart
helm install --create-namespace \ ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx \ --namespace ingress-nginx \ --values ingress-nginx-values.yaml
Create Ingresses
The Privacy Dynamics application must have two Ingresses, one for the user interface (app) and one for the API. Additionally, Ingresses can be configured for the KOTS Admin Console and for observability components (Prometheus, Alertmanager, and Grafana).
If you've installed the ExternalDNS controller, the ingress creation will trigger the creation of corresponding a DNS A
record within the
zone created earlier. If you prefer to create the records manually, point the A
records to the external address for the load balancer. This will be the "External IP" value for the LoadBalancer-type Service created by your Ingress Controller (typically in the ingress-nginx
kubectl get svc -n ingress-nginx
If you've installed cert-manager, the ingress creation will also trigger the creation of corresponding CertificateRequests, Certificates, and Secrets (containing the CA-issued certificate). If you prefer to obtain the certificates manually, refer to Create TLS Certificates for detailed instructions.
Create API Ingress
If you've installed the ExternalDNS controller, the ingress creation step will create a DNS A
record for api
within the
zone added earlier. If you prefer to create the records manually, the external address for the load balancer is displayed in the final verification step.
curl -o api-ingress.yaml
in api-ingress.yam
to the customer subdomain.
kubectl apply -f api-ingress.yaml
Create Application Ingress
This will create an ingress for the Privacy Dynamics web UI. The service is called analyzer-app-service-ingress
curl -o app-ingress.yaml
in app-ingress.yaml
to the customer subdomain.
kubectl apply -f app-ingress.yaml
Create KOTS Admin Console Ingress
This Ingress is optional. It allows access to the Privacy Dynamics Installer (i.e Replicated KOTS Admin Console) without port-forwarding.
curl \
-o kots-ingress.yaml
in kots-ingress.yaml
to the customer subdomain.
kubectl apply -f kots-ingress.yaml
Observability Ingresses
Three more ingresses are available. These optional Ingresses are for the observability components of Prometheus, Alertmanager, and Grafana. You can download, update, and apply them in similar fashion to the Ingresses shown above. Be aware that these will expose important information about the functioning of your cluster (but never any data that is being anonymized). Only Grafana is password-protected by default.